SEE YOU LEAD is a podcast aimed at talking about leadership and community involvement in the credit union industry. This podcast is brought to you by NetGiver.
SEE YOU LEAD Episode 15: Jill Nowacki, CEO of Humanidei
Welcome to the SEE YOU LEAD podcast, where we explore the dynamic intersection of the credit union industry and leadership. In this episode, we have the honor of hosting Jill Nowacki, the President and CEO of Humanidei, a company that specializes in fostering inclusive leadership in the financial services industry.
Jill takes us on a journey through her personal and professional life, sharing her path to founding Humanidei and her journey through the credit union nation. Her deep insights into inclusivity and leadership will leave you feeling inspired and motivated to become a better leader in your own life.
As you listen to Jill's story, you'll be inspired by how she has persevered and achieved success as a leader in the credit union industry. Her experience in the credit union industry has taught her the importance of building strong relationships, cultivating a diverse and inclusive workplace, and putting people first.
Whether you're a seasoned leader in the credit union industry or just starting out, this episode is a must-listen. Jill's passion for leadership and inclusivity is infectious, and her insights will help you become a better leader in your own life and career.
So, join us on this journey as we explore the credit union industry and the transformative power of leadership with Jill Nowacki on the SEE YOU LEAD podcast.
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